• Customization Rail Express

    Customized train is to submit shipping demand plan to China National Railway in advance according to the packing demand of enterprises, and customize special train for enterprises, such as Haier, Midea, Gree, Cainiao, Jingdong, Post, Overseas Chinese, etc., to meet the large demand of customers.

    Domestic departure/Destination City: Wuhan/Chongqing/Xi'an/Xiamen Overseas destination/departure City: Poland Marla/Poznan... Germany Hamburg/Duisburg/Mannheim... France Lyon/Durge... Italy Milan/Verona... Czech Republic Prague/Cheska Chabova... Slovakia Donaust radar... Hungary Budapest... For other points of arrival, please refer to "News and Information" section: Tieheng International - Railway FCL Import/Export Route Overview.

    Other departure/arrival points outside China can be specified.

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